Yep, wot they said ^^^^^^
Could be worse, you could be in your forties and just discovering the truth about the truth. You've got your whole life in front of you kiddo, take your time, play the game for a bit until you can act. Voila! Good for you!
i was publicly reproved last year and the elders have taken their sweet time in reinstating my "privileges".
it's been six months and i can't answer at the meetings or participate in the theocratic ministry school.
in all honesty- i don't care about the privileges.
Yep, wot they said ^^^^^^
Could be worse, you could be in your forties and just discovering the truth about the truth. You've got your whole life in front of you kiddo, take your time, play the game for a bit until you can act. Voila! Good for you!
Post messages on here while reading! They'll just think you'reuusing your phone/tablet for the app!
I seem to remember someone doing that on here before, captain blithering I believe!
i recently learned ttatt and it really sickens me when i sit through the meetings.
i am so tired of faking things.
i feel like vomiting when annoying things are said from the platform.
I laugh about it. I have a plan, I can't do anything about it yet, so I just make the most of the situation I'm in. We all move on eventually, I'm determined not to let it ruin me. I'll look back at this time and not regret anything. Hopefully....
so two big changes in the org were announced in the most recent agm.. local needs part is replaced by "how do you know the truth" where all members will tell their experience (oh what fun).
basic pioneer role 10 only hours a month required (see, jehovah lightens our load, therefore he loves only us)!.
it seems like they have really turned up the heat here.
Ya know what? I'm getting tired of hiding anyway, this may be the impetus I need..
Wow. What a place. I'd love to visit this. And pripyat. And a million other places...
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
They'll just say we didn't need to know until now. Now it's timely. Now we need to know. Whatever.....
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
Oh good work absolom, I doff my hat to you sir!
leaving the university with my degree!.
exams are finished and it's just a matter of days before i walk.. i was certainly stressed about doing this.
i'm older than my classmates and armageddon was sooooo close!
Good work sir. The hard work has paid off, I'm happy for you, and a little bit jealous as I'm still a transparent fixtures maintenance operator. Good for you!
jehovah witness leases warwick moteltemporary housing will be needed as group completes its new headquarters in sterling forestpublished oct 2, 2014 at 12:37 pm (updated oct 2, 2014).
Are the figures above correct? A BILLION made from selling the brooklyn properties? And this project costing 11 million? What the hell do they need OUR money for, they're loaded!
when i was a jw i had a lot of silly ideas that seemingly explained things i wondered about.
arguments from ignorance or special pleading i suppose.
actually, my conclusions were daft.. one thing i have wondered about and i don't know if anyone else has, is why man hasn't either rendered the earth to a cinder or why there haven't been more nukes go off against nations.
(sorry for my phone, it appears to be possessed by the 'demon of mischievous extra letter insertion')